Two Years Married

Photo from our AMAZING photographers Jeff Loves Jessica. Can’t recommend them enough if you are in the Twin Cities area!!!!

Today is our two year anniversary! These past two years have really flown by. Sometimes it feels like it’s been more than two years, other days it feels like it was just yesterday. I’m so happy that I’m still surprised by how awesome my husband is – even though we’ve been together for almost 10 years! I wanted to share a few of my favorite things about my husband and some random fun memories. More often than not this blog focuses on clothes, makeup, etc but I hope these more personal posts are fun too. I named this “Helen Loves” so I could showcase anything I love – and today’s post definitely fits that 🙂

I love my husband’s insanely goofy sense of humor. He DEFINITELY kept this under wraps until we were married. I laugh at how ridiculous he is daily!

I love how he bakes a ton of yummy things – homemade cookies, bread, cinnamon rolls, muffins, scones. It’s super hard to have self control when someone bakes delicious things so often.

I love how he blends with my family and gets along with everyone – this is a big deal! My brothers & sister in laws call themselves “The Outlaws” and we definitely want everyone to be a great addition to the family! I think sometimes people ignore (or choose to overlook) how their significant other meshes or clashes with their family – and this is something I’m happy we don’t worry about at all.

I love how we’ve found hobbies to do together. We got road bikes right after we got married and love biking together. We both love hiking and enjoy being outdoors. It’s great to be able to spend time together being active instead of just watching TV! (Which we do a lot of….I’ll be honest haha)

I wanted to end with some quick advice (I know only 2 years doesn’t make me an expert, but I’ll just share some random thoughts!) –

You CANNOT change someone.

Don’t be in a relationship expecting to change any element of someone’s personality or beliefs! Accept that if someone hates the color blue (trivial but you never know) you can’t change their mind. Can you live with that?

Make sure you align on values and core beliefs.

Do you want the same things in your future? Believe the same things? My husband and I disagree on various things but our foundational beliefs are the same. I know we have the same outlook on life and want the same things in our future.

Seek Advice

We were required to do premarital counseling and it was way more helpful than we imagined. We realized we had different ideas about various things and then had a place to discuss everything (that was already on the calendar so we couldn’t avoid it!). If anything these questions or topics made us talk and be sure we were on the same page!

10 years ago I would never guess that we would be here. I can’t imagine that our 16-year-old selves had coherent conversations! I’m so lucky to have such a great partner to go into the future with and into our next adventure.

p.s. if you came here from Instagram THIS is the dress I wore in my post. It was a perfect wedding guest dress!

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