August Home Decor Wishlist

We’ve been in our house for two months – insane! It’s been so fun to decorate and buy pieces for it. I’ve definitely been making waayyyy too many trips to decor stores – At Home, Homegoods, and Hobby Lobby are becoming my second home(s). In order to stop buying items that I don’t end up needing I’ve started a home decor wishlist to prioritize my spending – and I wanted to share that here today!

entry way rug

We have a nice-sized entry way but it just feels so empty! I have a small console table from Wayfair but there’s still a lot of open space. I’ve decided I want something neutral so I don’t limit our family room decor – you can see the family room from our entry way. So I’ve landed on something that’s jute – or similar! I love this version from Target and this one too.

front porch decorations

We have a good sized front porch – well good enough for a few chairs and some planters. I’m working on my green thumb (currently non existent) and would love to get some planters! My mom always changed our planters out front based on the seasons, and I would love to start doing that. I also want to get two chairs for out there – maybe adirondacks? Whatever they are, they have to pass my husband’s comfort test!

master bedroom art

Hand down the absolute hardest thing to find has been art for our bedroom. We have a vaulted ceiling and I would love to hang something over our bed, but I have NO idea what. It’s hard to find something that’s the right size and scale….and color! I’m not big into vibrant colors but I do want some contrast between all the greytones, so I’m kinda stuck. I made the mistake of buying art too quickly when I moved into my apartment, so I’m going slower this time. I’m loving pieces like this from Minted, this one, and this one!

fun extras

So I’ve discovered that I don’t love color (not really a discovery, let’s be honest) but adding plants are a great way to add some color! I can get behind green and things being alive 🙂 I’m thinking about getting a fiddle leaf fig – wish me luck keeping it alive! I really wanted a fake one but my husband wants a real one…so we’ll see how this goes. I might have to get a plant to put in a basket like this – it’s so cute! This one is cute too!

I post a lot about home decor on my Pinterest profile – be sure to check it out! You can bookmark this post by saving this image below:

August Home Decor Wishlist // Helen Loves


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