September Social Media Challenge

This probably won’t come as a surprise, but I spend a lot of time on my phone. Sometimes I worry when I can’t find it and start to freak out. Which honestly scares me a bit thinking about it. So I decided to make a change and create a challenge for myself (and anyone who wants to join!) for the month. I figured a holiday weekend at home would be a great way to start the challenge – more time with my family and friends uninterrupted by my phone! So here goes nothing and here are my two rules:

no phone after 8 pm

So starting with the hardest challenge – I’m going to be ignoring my phone after 8 PM every.night. Every night! I realize I sit on the couch and just scroll through Instagram or Facebook mindlessly…and it needs to stop! Anything I miss after 8 PM I can catch up with in the morning. Exceptions: calls and texts (that are important). So if you need me after 8, call me 🙂

checking social media twice an hour

Ok so this is aggressive too and writing it down makes me nervous! I’m only going to check Instagram and Facebook twice an hour. I was thinking about saying I could only check my phone at the top and bottom of every hour (i.e. 1 & 1:30), but then I realized I don’t need to be as picky and will just keep it to twice an hour.

I honestly tried to come up with more rules but I don’t know if I can take anything else! I want to limit my phone usage but I realize that it’s a part of modern life. Hopefully these two rules will help me have a more healthy relationship with my phone!

So what do you think, do you want to join in? In order to keep track of these posts I’m going to be using this hashtag on Instagram: #septembersocialmediachallenge . Tag your own posts with this if you are joining in! Obviously September has already started, so feel free to think about it over this holiday weekend and start on Tuesday 🙂 Enjoy Labor Day and the last hurrah of summer!

Please leave any comments or questions below – thanks!


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