September 2017 Recap

Happy October! The time just continues to fly by….I love fall so hopefully it’s not too speedy! I wasn’t planning on doing a September 2017 recap but then I realized I wanted to share some follow ups to recent posts. Mainly, I wanted to recap my September Social Media Challenge and my feelings now that it is officially over.

You can click the above to read the entire post, but the spark notes version is that I was trying to limit how often I checked Facebook and Instagram, and stopped checking them entirely after 8 pm. I didn’t find the “only check twice an hour” very difficult – I don’t really check my phone more than that unless it rings. I did realize, however, that I spend a LOT of time when I do check. Think a few minutes each time. I thought about limiting that but it seemed too drastic? Or like I was making the challenge too complicated?

The hardest part was not checking social media after 8. This was REALLY hard on nights I was home alone or nights I had events that gone done at 8:30. It basically meant no social media on some of those nights and I could definitely feel the pull of my phone. Isn’t that scary? I just wanted to check once since I wasn’t able to – but luckily I resisted that temptation!

I think I’m going to limit the checking if my husband is around at night – I honestly don’t feel too bad about spending time on my phone when it’s just me. I might impose a “nothing after 9 pm” rule in general, which gives me a bit of time to at least check my phone if I have something til 8. But if my husband is around I’m going to try to limit the phone usage for sure.

As with everything in life, phones are ok in moderation. To excess they can control our lives and become too central. Doing this experiment for a month made this super clear! I’m not going to get rid of my phone and go off the grid – smartphones have so many benefits and make many things easier! i.e. directions – but I am going to watch how often I check it.

To recap some September posts:

Hope you have a great start to the month! Happy Monday!

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