November Reading Challenge

Today is the start of November. How is this happening?! The holidays are around the corner and the year just accelerates. So let’s go back a few months — in September I shared my social media challenge and loved how much of a challenge it really was! It was difficult to not check my phone constantly but it showed me just how addicted I was (and am). Recently my husband and I have talked about wanting to read more – so that spurred me to a new reading challenge! I’m going to read 30 minutes a day for the whole month of November. And my husband is going to join me!

So it’s super simple – read 30 minutes a day. I have a funny feeling it’s going to be pretty difficult to make this a priority, so be sure to follow along! I’m going to share more updates on Instagram (@helen.loves) and will do a recap at the end of the month. I think I’m going to restart the Harry Potter series for now, but here are some book ideas if you want to join me!

Happy reading! And Happy November!

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Feel like you're spending too much time on social media and the TV? Join my November challenge - to read 30 minutes a day! Click through to see the details and get some book ideas for the month!

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