Memorable Moments of 2017

Guys, how are we at the end of 2017? This is definitely the fastest year I can remember – time FLEW by.

The year was speedy but it sure packed in a lot. From starting the blog (Hilarious that one of my first posts was about LEXINGTON! How weird is that?!?!), to finding out we were moving to Lexington, to buying a house and starting new jobs – this year had a lot of milestones.

We’ve made new friends, explored new cities, eaten at new places – this year had so many new things. It really was a year unlike any other! I’m honestly excited to be settled into a routine for 2018 – we have our house, jobs, favorite places in Lex, etc.

Even though I never imagined we would move to KY in 2017, we are so so happy to be in Lexington. We have loved this city and it is such a great place to live! Our time in St Louis feels like a dream when we think about how much we love Lex. The freeway here – 64 – has signs for St Louis, and we laugh every time we see them. It doesn’t feel like we ever lived there! Some of the couples we know from Med School feel the same way – it was just a temporary stop on this long medicine journey.

It’s been quite a year and I’ve loved having this creative outlet. It’s a place to dream about my shopping list, share what’s on my mind, and get to do some writing. I didn’t gain a million followers in one year and posting on Instagram is still really annoying (photos are never good enough!). But I love writing and creating content for you guys. I hope you enjoy whenever you visit! I’ve got some great plans for the blog for next year so be sure to check back!

I hope you’ve had a great year and were able to spend lots of time with family and friends. Here’s to even better things in 2018 – have a safe & fun New Years Eve!


Also, to be 100% transparent, I’m writing this post before Christmas because I won’t have time when I’m home 🙂 a good problem to have I guess!

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