summer 2018 bucket list

Happy Memorial Day!

It’s the official start of summer so I wanted to share some of the items on my summer 2018 bucket list – crazy that we’re already here! Also I want you to be shocked that the photo above is from 10 YEARS AGO. Where does time ago? Anyways, back to the list!

  1. get to a lake — Lake life is a REAL thing in Minnesota and something I really miss! But we now know a few people with boats so trying to get in their good graces so we can spend a day out on the water 🙂
  2. do a weekend trip — My husband has a pretty ok schedule in June and July so it would be great to be able to find a weekend to get away! We’re trying to plan a trip back to MN, but if that doesn’t happen maybe we’ll get away somewhere else!
  3. Have friends over for a bbq
  4. Go to a historic site
  5. Read 3 books – send me your suggestions!!!
  6. Have a picnic
  7. Bike in a new place
  8. Try a new restaurant
  9. Have a happy hour with girlfriends – including the new intern wives!
  10. Hike a new place in the Red River Gorge

We are going to a friend’s house tonight for a BBQ and I’m hoping the rain holds off – fingers crossed. FYI I’m making this side to bring with me – it’s a great dish for a crowd. Thank you to my aunt for introducing this to me 🙂

6 slices bacon, fried and diced
3 cans of beans(drained) – 2 black bean and 1 pork and bean
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese – cubed
1/2 C ketchup
1/2 C brown sugarCombine ingredients and bake at 325 for 1 1/2 hours
Guys it’s SO delicious! So I hope everyone tonight enjoys it but I know that my husband and I will, so who cares right? Haha.
I hope you have a great Memorial Day and have had a great long weekend. See you back here Wednesday!

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