an exciting life announcement

So some BIG news….

I’m pregnant!


It’s crazy to type those words because it’s something we’ve known for months but kept quiet. I feel like the excitement is building now that we aren’t keeping it under wraps! It was so weird to go through every workday with this HUGE secret that no one knew.

I’m in my 14th week right now – which is so insane. Six weeks until our anatomy ultrasound!!! I think the craziest moment so far (besides finding out we were pregnant….haha) was our first ultrasound. Those pictures didn’t seem like my body. It was a bit of an out-of-body experience for sure. I honestly feel like my excitement increases every week (and every day!) as it becomes more and more real. What felt crazy two months ago now is more real and it is so fun!

Sharing an exciting life announcement over on the blog! // Helen Loves

We are so excited for this new adventure and everything it will bring. We’re also so thankful for great family and friends who have offered tips and advice so far! (I’ve already been warned about unsolicited advice from strangers and plan to ignore all of them haha. I don’t ever feel bad ignoring random people in public so hopefully it will be easy…) I’ve already been researching strollers and planning what we want to buy or register for, which is fun too. Trying to convince my husband we need an Uppababy Vista 😉

And just a note since this is a blog – I’m definitely going to be sharing pregnancy content (kinda hard to avoid) but I don’t know how much I will share after baby is born.

My husband and I are pretty privacy paranoid and even though I have this blog I don’t share a lot of extremely personal/identifiable information about us. I don’t think we will share the name of our baby or even exact birthdate, etc. Some people share everything, some share select moments and keep things private – and I think we will be more in that second camp.

Ok now that I’ve got the disclaimer out of the way, get ready for some different content occasionally – not all the time, but it’s going to be hard to not have pregnancy clothing since that’s becoming my reality 🙂

So on this fun note, I hope you have a great Friday and a great weekend! We have a game night with friends tonight (so happy we have shared the news so I don’t have to hide not drinking….) and then a date night on Sunday. Yay!

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