36 Week Bumpdate


Talk about insane…I cannot believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone. It has been fantastic since we found out and I’m almost sad thinking about how it’s coming to an end. Today is more of a journal/brain dump because I just want to record everything I’m thinking so I can remember it later!

I’ve been so lucky because this pregnancy has been smooth (knock on wood!). No nausea, no morning sickness – basically no symptoms in the first trimester besides being tired for a few weeks. The second trimester hit and I felt back to my normal self besides looking like I was just bloated for weeks lol. We went to Hawaii, I continued to feel great, and just felt excited all the time!

35 weeks!

I kept thinking that once the third trimester hit I would start to feel some real symptoms. I expected to stop sleeping, be extremely uncomfortable, and to basically have time stop. Well 28 weeks hit and not much changed…so I kinda stopped expecting the other shoe to drop. Maybe I’ll look back on all of this later and laugh at how naive I was, but as I’m writing this I’m still feeling pretty good. Sure my feet swell easily, and I’m bigger each day, but that’s 100% normal.

34 weeks

I’ve definitely had more “symptoms” than at other parts in my pregnancy. Work makes me really tired so I just chill most nights at home. I can basically only run one errand before I need to take a break! Eating massive meals gives me really bad heartburn (and I just literally don’t have the space for all that food), so now I just eat more frequent, smaller meals. Oh yeah and my feet swell by the end of the day, so I’ve been wearing my compression socks as much as I can.

I’m not even that nervous about labor because it’s going to happen whether I’m nervous or not! Before even being pregnant I was really concerned about labor – but now all I want is a healthy baby and I’m not worried about the details. It was nice to do the hospital visit to see the L&D floor – my husband had described it (since he’s worked there) but I was glad to see it for myself.

33 weeks (apparently this is my place for maternity selfies!)

I don’t have a detailed birth plan that we’re going to demand. We’ve talked about what our ideal labor would look like with our OB – and of course there are things I want to happen (or not – like no c-section), but if that’s medically necessary than obviously that’s what will happen. Our goal is to be low key and not demanding. The key to delivering is being nice to the nurses since they are there 100x more than the OBs 🙂 We LOVE our OB and trust her completely to let us know what needs to happen – and having a husband who has delivered babies and worked with her (and a bunch of the other OBs at the hospital) is a huge reassurance to me. I know that he will understand what’s going on even if I don’t.

32 weeks – same tank top!

Lately the biggest worry I’ve had is if I’ll go into labor alone – which honestly isn’t unlikely since my husband is working until past my due date. I’ve also worried if having a newborn will be as amazing as pregnancy. I have LOVED being pregnant and I’m almost sad/apprehensive for it to come to an end. The kicks make me smile, and hiccups are hilarious. I’ve felt such a strong connection to her the entire pregnancy that it’s crazy to imagine how that will change! Again, I’m sure I will look back and think this is hilarious, but it’s definitely on my mind right now.

31 weeks and this is the last time I was in a gym 🙂

Plus with my husband’s insane work schedule January/February I don’t have a lot of time to share with him. He’s working 51 of 58 days, and of course his days off aren’t weekends – so I feel like all the excitement is contained to me. It almost brings me back to my first trimester when no one knew I was pregnant. He had another horrible schedule, so I spent basically all evenings and weekends alone. It almost didn’t feel like I was pregnant because there was literally NO ONE to talk about it with! (He doesn’t have time to text at work, #ERlife)

This pregnancy has flown by and I can’t believe I’m in the final countdown. I’m trying to enjoy the quiet and sleep as much as possible while I can 🙂 Our nursery is ready to go, we’ve got a bassinet for our room, and the carseat is installed. I’ve packed my bags – post to come! – so we’re really ready to go.

I am SO so excited to snuggle our little baby (and take her for walks – haha we’re so excited about our stroller). I can’t wait for her to be here and I’m enthusiastic about this new chapter in our lives. 2019 is going to be a year of firsts and I’m ready to soak it all up. But until that happens I’m going to enjoy these final few weeks of pregnancy as much as I can – I’m sure it will all seem like a dream after she’s here.

Ok for a quick shift, here are a few things I’ve been eyeing lately that I might have to pick up…..

  • Ryan and Rose pacifiers – how cute are these?! I love the colors and the style is so fun!
  • Lou Lou knotted gowns – I might pick up one newborn size and one bigger size. I love the style and they would be perfect for nighttime diaper changes! I’m not the biggest pattern person, so I feel like we would use these a lot. This is a similar option and a bit cheaper!

This has really been a brain dump! For those of you who stuck around until the end, you’re impressive! I am planning on doing one more update right around my due date, unless I don’t feel like it and then I won’t 😂

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