Everyone talks about getting their “body back” after they give birth. Honestly, I feel like exercise is important so you can be HEALTHY and feel good about yourself! I shared this a bit before (in this post) but who cares about the number on the scale – we don’t even own a scale so I literally don’t know my pre-baby weight. I’m focused on being healthy, feeling my best, and setting the foundation of a healthy lifestyle for my daughter.
Ok so now that you know that, one thing I’ve done since week 2 post-baby is go for walks. Getting out of the house is so important, and even a walk around the block does wonders for your body *and* mind. I feel like walking was a good way to stretch my body out and get used to being active again!
Since then I’ve moved onto more real workouts, but we still walk everyday. Fresh air makes us both sleep better! Plus I love our stroller and it’s so fun to get outside. I can listen to my favorite podcasts and get some vitamin d – and the fresh air is great for both of us.
Lately I’ve added in another exercise component – the Peloton bike and app.

Jacket: Lululemon // Leggings: Lululemon // Top: Adidas // Tennis Shoes: Saucony // Apple Watch Series 4 GPS // Stroller: Uppababy
We considered buying a Peloton bike for months and months and finally pulled the trigger in early May. Guys – it is LIFE CHANGING! Having the ability to have a great workout right at home has made it so much easier to fit into my routine. And it’s not just a YouTube video I can turn off. It’s interactive and highly highly addicting. If I’m lucky, I can workout during naptime – or else I can just put someone in her Baby Bjorn seat while I do a ride. I coordinate rides with my mom or friends and it’s so fun to ride live with people. I did a live Backstreet Boys ride and it made my entire day!!!
It’s definitely an investment, no hiding that. But if you consider the cost of a cycling class (let’s say $20 a time), and you do that 3 times a week, you easily cover the cost of the bike in a year. If two people use it you break even faster. So it’s just worth it for us! And the convenience factor is a huge component for people with weird schedules (like my husband working nights).
The Peloton app (you need it if you have a bike, but you can also purchase a subscription) has loads of outdoor workouts. I love to use their walk classes for our daily walks. I’m not just randomly going to walk faster, but these classes have great intervals and motivation to really get a great workout in. And awesome music that I didn’t have to find for myself! Because let’s be real – finding good workout music is half the workout battle.
Each workout gets easier and I feel more like I can workout at my older levels. Obviously I’m still not in the same shape, but I feel stronger and can push myself more daily. Just that alone makes me feel good and like I’m getting back into shape! I might have to force myself to walk or hop on the bike, but I have yet to regret a workout.
I also think that having my Apple Watch remind me to be active or workout has helped. I can take all the motivation at this time in my life – and I’m competitive – so “closing” all my rings everyday is a good motivator. It doesn’t happen all the time, but with walks and a workout I can definitely meet those goals. Sure it’s random but it does help!
Well there you have it. The simplest postpartum workout life ever. Nothing fancy or insane and no secrets or tricks. Because there isn’t a secret to being healthy or losing weight. You have to be consistent and make good choices in diet and put in the work. I’m trying to make good choices daily so I can feel my best – so I hope this motivates anyone out there who is looking to get into working out as well! We can do it!