Recent Amazon Orders & Prime Day Picks!

Today and tomorrow are Prime Day at Amazon!

With a baby we are ordering more than we EVER have before. There are so many things you need all of a sudden and no time to run to the store. We get so many packages from Amazon it’s almost comical.

So today I wanted to share some recent orders for those of you that are curious, and then some of my prime day top picks.

My husband’s car has some issues and a bolt broke in half as he was removing it. So we ordered this right angle and extractor set to fix it! Wish us luck because having to tow it to a dealer to remove this bolt would be a HUGE pain. And living a one car life right now has been another level of fun 🙂

Always more baby items and most recent are another pacifier, travel stand for our monitor, and metal gate and banister attachment for at the top of our stairs.

An umbrella because it NEVER stops raining here!

Ok now that you’ve had a glimpse into my SUPER exciting order history, here are some awesome Prime Day deals!

Household Items:

Clothes & Accessories

I added a ton more items in the carousel below – happy shopping!

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