Ok guys – Peloton bikes are all over the place!
But despite how common they seem to be on Instagram, they still are a big purchase and commitment. I wanted to share all my thoughts on having my own for a year – because I was *super* skeptical about getting one.
My parents have had one for two years and I had the luxury of trying it extensively before buying. Being able to use their bike, combined with having a newborn, is what convinced us to make the plunge.

Ok so for the things I love –
It is so convenient. Seriously. I never made it to the gym before we had our daughter, so I knew I would never make it once we had her. Having the bike allowed me to work out during naps or after she went to bed. This was a gamechanger for me.
I’m not someone who can hop on a bike and push myself without being told. I love how I can get on and there are a bunch of other people “there” too. Yes it’s different than being in-person, but not that different to me.
With #quarantine2020 I’m riding the bike 5 days a week. It has become an essential part of my daily routine. I put my daughter down for a nap and hop on the bike – and it does *so* much for my mood. I would be lost without the bike right now!
The instructors are truly amazing and there is really someone for everyone. My favorites are Matt, Denis, Kendall and Cody. I have a love/hate relationship with Jess King’s classes because they are definitely the hardest for me. But having these instructors I know I love makes it so so much fun!
I just started the strength program with Andy Spear and I LOVE it already. It’s traditional strength training – not hiit or cardio strength. I have added that into my routine and love those 3 workouts a week.
Basically the ability to get a challenging but fun workout at home during naptime cannot be beat. It was 100000% worth the money. When you use something daily you really get your money’s worth.
And now, the negatives –
The obvious con is price. It’s an expensive investment – there’s no way around it. The bike was around $2300 (including tax – cheaper in KY than MN! – and delivery) and we pay $39 a month for the classes.
Another negative is you need space for it. I don’t think it takes up that much space compared to other home workout equipment – but it’s not something you can fold up or put in a closet.
Sorry I don’t have a lot of negatives….I really love it that much!
Total cost of owning….
Over the last year it has cost us about $2800 – between the initial price and monthly fees. Here is how that breaks down by class:
- All classes – $12 a class
- Cycling classes only – $17 a class
That is definitely lower than any cycling or exercise class I’ve ever done! So if you use it, you definitely can justify the price.
I have convinced three friends to buy one – it’s that good. The only “negative” in my mind is the price, and if price isn’t a concern for you I would highly recommend it. The convenience and variety cannot be beat. There really is no way to get a similar cardio workout at home. Add in all the amazing other classes on their app – from strength to yoga to meditation – and it’s a great value for their monthly price.
Short story – I recommend it 100%. I feel amazing whenever I get a workout in and I miss the workout when I can’t sneak it in. Even 20 minutes is enough to elevate my mood and heart rate. I wasn’t sold when we bought it – my husband wanted it more than I did! – but he was right and it has been one of our best purchases ever.