Six Weeks with *Two* Kids!

Get ready for a stream of consciousness post 🙂

I cannot believe I have two kids. I cannot believe it’s been over a month. I cannot believe that a few months ago baby brother was in my stomach and not really here. It feels like he has always been a part of our family.

I love seeing how much our daugher loves him. She is OBSESSED and wants to hug and kiss him all the time. She has recently started talking to him and will sit in front of his baby bjorn seat (you need this!) and will ask him “do today” – which means either what did you do today, or what will you do today 🙂 Or just “talk to him” and will sit down and chat. Needless to say it is the cutest thing ever.

Recovery after birth was much better and easier this time so that has made for a completely different experience. The first time around was fine but you just don’t know what to expect with anything, and that’s draining. This time we had a much better eater, sleeper, and cuddler so we have basically just added a cuddly baby to the mix of life with a toddler. It was definitely tricky for the first month to balance the needs of both kids but that is getting better. Meals, bedtime, playing – it all feels like we have settled into a new routine.

I feel like logistics are the biggest change with two kids. How do I manage baths? How do I feed them both when they’re both hungry at the same time? How do we get out of the house intact? But once those logistics are dealt with, or we’ve learned what works, we can keep plugging away. Plus newborn babies are so portable! Going to the park or splash pad is more work but worth it to spend time outside and out of the house.

I also feel like my perspective has shifted for this baby. Last time I was very obsessed with sleep and I was worried we would create bad patterns by holding her. Obviously that’s not true and I credit Taking Cara Babies with teaching us sleep habits to instill. We have done those since day 1 with him – swaddle, sound machine, in the crib *always* (in our room). But we hold him as much as we want and I don’t have any guilt! It goes by SO QUICKLY and one day he won’t want to cuddle and nap. Also I don’t dread the nighttime wakeups because they are already decreasing….last night (June 6!) he only woke up once overnight. It’s going by too quickly!!!

Overall I am so so so happy and feel fulfilled with both kids. I love seeing them interact already and I love our little family.

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