A Summer 2023 Recap

Summer 2023 – what a time!

There were some great moments and some not so great moments. We have had a rough past two weeks so that is coloring my memory a bit. Lots of sickness and exhaustion and sleepless nights and I’m ready to put that far far from my mind 🙂

We spent many hours at the pool. We had playdates with friends. We went to the kids museum a ton. We went for walks in the morning before the sun turned into a blazing inferno *each and every day.* We played in our backyard pool until the dumb possums destroyed it one night (working on them currently! Operation bye possum is fully underway…).

We also had a fantastic almost three weeks in Minnesota. It was so great to see friends and family during a leisurely time of year, aka not a holiday!

This summer also brought some big changes to our day to day life which I think we have adjusted to finally. Sickness really threw me for a loop, but now that I’m healthy we are all feeling better mentally and physically. It’s tough to solo parent while sick and there were a few days where I wasn’t sure how I would handle everything on my list! And then my car needed a new battery and I couldn’t drive it….LOL. When it rains it pours.

Overall it was a great summer – reflecting on it all I think about is the pool, snacks at the pool, and the intense heat 🙂 Basically quality time together was the theme!

I am so ready for some routine to our weeks instead of having an open day every single day. The kids have already started school and they are LOVING being back with their friends and their teachers this year are simply fantastic. I know they are going to have a great day each time I drop them off and the teachers know my kids so well already. They are so loved and it makes me so happy!

I hope you had a great summer and enjoy your holiday weekend 🙂

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