Happy June! I cannot believe that we are so close to July. This summer is truly flying by. My husband has worked a lot more than normal for the last few months so the days are really just speedy. And we’ve had trips and fun things going on – so it’s a true whirlwind of summer fun!
Lately we have been commenting on how fun the kids are. 5 and 3 are such fun ages! Last year was so hard because my husband was gone for 6 months so I felt like I didn’t get the “best” of 2 and 4. Lots of emotion, bedtime battles, intense separation anxiety, etc. All of that was to be expected and when my husband got back my happy children reappeared! (It was honestly sad to realize how out of sorts they had been for the entire experience.)
So this summer is so great because we don’t have my husband’s looming departure. Despite him working a ton we are spending time together and we aren’t worried – YAY! We have really laid low so far with just time at the pool or just seeing friends. I love that we have no big plans everyday. We have two trips in July and those will both be super fun! So I’m enjoying the quiet days at home because I know trips will *not* be chill and relaxing with two kiddos
I’m also realizing how bittersweet it is going to be for my daughter to start kindergarten in the fall. Luckily she only goes to school 2 days a week and then we do homeschool days which is such a WIN! I hope we love the school as much as we think we will It truly feels like the perfect balance for us. But it really shows how the years do fly by. We have lived in this house for over 2.5 years – it feels like we just moved here yet have lived here forever?! Hard to explain.

ALSO potty training. GAH! It is always so brutal. My son decided he was done with diapers on the Saturday of Memorial Day. Conveniently my husband was working, worked for days after, and then left for 10 days. So it was all me …. which was so so draining. It went super well until we got back from a mini trip to Minnesota and he decided to totally regress and every bathroom break was a huge battle. But we didn’t give in (no diapers!!) and I think we have turned a corner back to normalcy. It’s hard because it went so smoothly at the beginning (besides being draining) – he had only two accidents on day 1 and then we were done and good for almost 3 weeks. But I know now that parenting is full of phases. And I know this will pass! Just feeling the exhaustion big time.
Ok back to fun things. I’ve transitioned to doing 3 or 4 strength training days a week – instead of just cardio – and I’m loving it! I love the strength roll calls on Peloton and I also love the workouts from Nourish Move Love. Strength workouts making running (yes I’m running again! After a 5 year break I’m LOVING IT) so much easier and more enjoyable.
In terms of fun recent purchases, we finally got new dining room chairs. I ordered these from Ballard Designs and they came in less than 2 weeks. I’m waiting until winter to get a new table and am looking at something vintage from Facebook Marketplace for when the time comes!
My husband got me this set from Lake Pajamas for Mother’s Day and I wear it so much. The top is perfect with shorts also! It’s so versatile.
I love wearing tons of bracelets so I got two of these from Amazon and I highly recommend them. Great quality for the price! Almost as good as my Baublebar bracelets!!!
Maybe you missed my 4th of July post (check it out!) but I got this flag sweater from Old Navy and I love it. I won’t be wearing it as a sweater here so I don’t die of heat exhaustion but I might throw it over my shoulders and it’s definitely coming to Lake Tahoe!
Alright friends well I hope you have a great week – see you around