If you’ve followed me for ANY length of time you know I have traveled a lot!
We have lived away from family the vast majority of the years we have had kids. So we are used to flying to see our friends and family! The last 18 months I have done the flights alone so I feel like I finally have it down to an art. Also, older kids are MUCH easier, not going to lie 🙂
Today I wanted to round up my absolute travel FAVORITES if you are embarking on summer travel!
Here are some items I would recommend the most from the below –
- Belkin headphones – these are the best wireless *and* wireless headphones I’ve found. I’ve tried others that broke after a few uses or were too quiet to hear on a plane. These have lasted for over 2 years!
- If you are room sharing and have a child in a crib, GET A SLUMBERPOD!!!!!
- Mesh pouches are essential for organizing my carry on. One for electronics, one for snacks!

And here are some tips and tricks that have helped me over the years –
- Stay calm. Kids can sense fear and stress and honestly being calm myself helps them so much 🙂
- Expect them to sleep MUCH worse. My kids sleep SO badly on vacation but I know it will go back to normal when we get home.
- Have groceries or diapers delivered to where you are staying so you don’t have to immediately run to the store