Christmas Shopping – How I Budget & Stay Organized

Can you believe that Black Friday is in 2 weeks?!! I can’t believe we’re almost to the holidays. I’m super excited for Thanksgiving – even though we won’t be going home – and I’ll be making my own dinner at home! I definitely don’t start decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving but I have started to game plan for Christmas shopping. The past few years I’ve gotten my shopping into a rhythm and it’s been pretty painless – so I wanted to share all my tips now that the time is almost here.

Create A List

This is obvious but you need a list! Write down EVERY person you need a gift for. I always use Google Sheets so I have my list with me at all times and can mark people off when I get something. My spreadsheet includes columns for:

  • Name
  • Gift
    • Idea (pre-purchase)
    • What I got
  • Budgeted Amount
    • I change it to what I actually spent after I buy
  • Wrapped – yes or no

Most of this seems obvious but I figure more details are better. I write down what I buy people because I have so many nieces and nephews of similar age and I want to keep things straight. I highlight everyone I need to get gifts for – it makes it easier to see at a glance!


Part of the spreadsheet I listed above was budget – and I pick amounts for each person and try my HARDEST to stick with it. Some people I’m more flexible with, and that’s ok. I have general budgets for my husband and parents, but sometimes I see things that are perfect and more than I wanted to spend – and that’s ok. Sometimes things are cheaper than I expected (if I’m lucky!) and it ends up working out. But having a budget makes it less stressful when I’m shopping. I know how much I can spend and know what to expect.

Shop Online

I heard the most insane thing the other day from a few ladies….they don’t shop online (or use Amazon!!!) because “they don’t trust online shopping.” Well as someone who started my career in E-Commerce and shops heavily online, I was shocked to hear someone in their 20s say that. There is nothing to fear about the items you buy online. I can guarantee that the towels you buy in Target are the same as the ones Target sells online.

Anywho, back to the topic at hand – Christmas shopping!  Last year I didn’t do ANY Christmas Shopping in store – I bought everything online. That’s my plan this year too! Why deal with crowds when you can get the same prices – and free shipping – online. Most major companies run the same exact sales online so it’s not worth it for me to go to the store. I can shop when I have a few minutes and mail all my gifts back home.

Shopping online is especially key if you’re flying for the holidays. We ship all our Christmas gifts straight to our parents and then we don’t have to worry about flying with everything. Shopping online just removes so much stress and it’s the way to go for me.

I hope the tips are helpful! Don’t worry, there will be many more holiday tips as those prime shopping days are near. Be sure to check back for many shopping guides during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. My husband is working so I’m going to be sharing as many sales as I can!

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