cheers to 27!

Breaking my normal posting schedule and posting on a Thursday because today is my birthday! I’m 27 today which is fun and crazy at the same time.

Crazy because I just got an email reminding me about a 5 YEAR college reunion. How did I graduate from college 5 years ago?! It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago, but then so much has happened that it feels like it was a dream. Anyways – back to my birthday!

I’ve got today all planned out – wake up, eat something (ok that’s not planned yet), then hit Starbucks on my way into work. I have a lunch meeting where they’re bringing us food so I don’t even have to make my own lunch – BONUS! Then my husband and I are going to Carson’s for dinner which will be a perfect way to end the day. Having a mid-week birthday is always odd, but the day will still have some of my favorite things.

I figured I would share one of my favorite tops – I got it last June and have been waiting to pull it out of the closet again. So I’m going to wear it to work today because it’s my birthday, and I can wear whatever I want! It might be dreary and rainy but enough is enough with the winter outfits.

Top: Gibson // Jeans: Madewell 9 inch // Shoes: Target // Sunglasses: Ray-Ban

Cheers to 27 // Helen Loves

Cheers to 27 // Helen Loves

Cheers to 27 // Helen Loves

Cheers to 27 // Helen Loves

Cheers to 27 // Helen Loves

Cheers to 27 // Helen Loves

I’m thankful for all the people I’ve met in the last year and how we’ve settled into our life in Lexington. There were a lot of unknowns a year ago and 26 (and 2017 overall!) was full of change. I’m so lucky to feel more settled this birthday and less stressed.

Also I want to give a shoutout to everyone who reads the blog – I love this hobby and appreciate every person who ventures over here. I’ve become more comfortable sharing on here, and have figured out what I like to write about, and I hope you’ll stick around!

So now it’s time to have a day where I do, eat, buy whatever I want – with no second thoughts 😉

Shop my entire outfit in the carousel below:


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