Hi Monday + Life Lately

Hi friends!

Today’s post is going to be a TRUE blog post.

It’s been busy over here which means I haven’t had time to do any more outfit pictures or posts. Instead I wanted to share some snapshots of life lately because that sounds fun. Just things that have been happening around here, and what’s on my radar.

The past two weeks have been exhausting. We started out with some VERY sleepless nights – baby girl was awake from 12-4 crying for two nights in a row – and then I got these crazy hives and rashes. So we spent a lot of time in the doctor (no fun when I’m bringing a 4.5 month old with me).

She then got sick – she was probably starting to feel bad those nights she was awake, but we didn’t know it. And then I got sick. Hilarious how that works! But I think we’ve turned the corner and she is now sleeping through the night!!!!!!!!! Or I should say waking up and putting herself back to sleep once or twice without help from us. Win. Even if this never happens again, it did happen in June 2019 haha.

That’s right – I’ve had FOUR NIGHTS now where I haven’t had to get out of bed to calm or feed her. I haven’t nursed her during the night for almost two weeks, but I was still patting her to calm down usually once a night. These nights are the first time since she’s been born that I haven’t had to get up!! Sure I woke up to check the monitor from my phone but I didn’t have to get out of bed. I feel so rested. IT IS AMAZING.

Maybe you’re wondering where my husband is in all of this? Thanks night shift for falling during the absolute worst two weeks haha. Thank GOODNESS my mom had a trip already planned so she could be here. It was so fantastic to have help and know I wasn’t going it alone through this sickness.

Also, in case you are a new reader, we live far away from family so we’re flying solo for this whole parenting thing. Most of the time it’s fine, but when things get rough it’s hard to not have a support system. Sure we have our residency “family” – and we’re all super close! – but we are all in the same boat of crazy schedules and stressors. So it’s hard to not have anyone to call or any relief when you’re exhausted and just need a break. I feel like these last two weeks really pushed me to my limit of physical and mental stress – and I’m sure that probably contributed to my sickness and hives.

I don’t say this to complain or make you feel sorry for me – I just want to admit that sometimes it’s rough living in a state alone. Those of you with family nearby are SO lucky and I’m jealous!

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of my favorite blogs instead of just scrolling through them on Instagram. I’ve got a lot of time while I’m nursing and I felt like Instagram was all try on sessions and just boring to me.

I also follow a lot of other new mothers, and there is so much hate and judgment that I’m over it. I don’t want shade thrown at moms who nurse, formula feed, work, stay at home, eat organic…..can we all just CHILL. Just focus on your life and your parenting and don’t throw insults at others!

I really hit my limit when one influencer (who I’ve followed for years) said how she wasn’t nursing anymore because she “didn’t have time to sit around all day and do nothing like stay at home moms.” LOL. Choosing not to nurse is your decision so don’t try to justify it by judging others (you don’t even need to justify it…..).

SO while I sit around and do nothing and nurse my daughter (couldn’t resist lol), I’ve been reading the below —

Goodfella's Patio, Lexington Kentucky

Other random things….

Made these carrot cake bites a few times and they are DELISH.

I’ve been having salads a lot and I love this post for how to add more toppings to a salad.

I really wish companies like Imperfect Produce or Misfits Market delivered to Kentucky…such a great way to get produce to your house! Affordable and helps prevent food waste. (I know there is some controversy around these companies but I think they still help prevent food being thrown away)

We did a family date night on Friday to some favorites – Wise Bird Cider, Goodfella’s for Pizza (photo above!!!), and Crank & Boom for ice cream. Recommend them all if you’re in Lexington! Plus you can just sit on a patio at one place and have food from the others.

I’m completely obsessed with our Peloton. It was soooo worth it and I’ve been riding it 3 times a week! Matt is by far my favorite instructor.

Well this was a long one! Props to those of you who stuck around. I hope you’ve had a great Monday so far and I’m trying to get back on the regular-posting bandwagon. So see you back here Friday!

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