My Hopes for my 30th Year!

Guys – I can’t believe I’m 30! I don’t have any fun photos of myself lately so instead I’m sharing a wedding photo I love because I LOVED my flowers and dress so much. And this was one of the biggest events of my 20s! I’ll rank it up there at the top along with birth of our daughter, ahead of graduation from college which was also momentous 🙂

I didn’t know if I would be nervous or excited and I can say I’m truly excited. I’m excited to be able to celebrate with my family and friends and eat alllllll the DQ ice cream cake I want. Pregnant and a birthday – and no birthday last year – means I’m eating and doing whatever I want this year. You can’t stop me!

Anyways, as I enter this new decade I feel like I’m in such a different spot than 10 years ago. And I am! I’m a mom, wife, and just living my life everyday. At 20 I was in college, didn’t know what I would do for a career, and I had *no clue* what the next years would hold. I definitely didn’t understand the twists and turns of medical school and residency that would be coming down the road.

Now all of that medical education is over – and it just finished last year haha. Sure I’m not the doctor but it becomes all consuming for your life as a spouse. So now that that is over it feels for the FIRST TIME like I’m settled into my life. There will be big changes this year and those will change a lot, but I know they won’t change my identity as a wife and mother. I feel like I’m confident and comfortable with who I am and my role and purpose in life. I’m not wondering who I will be or what my life will look like – I know it!

Entering my 20s there were a lot of unknowns. Entering my 30s feels much more straightforward and clear what my “path” will be. Obviously there will be things that come out of the blue that we can’t predict 🙂 BUT I’m much more settled in my life and can handle whatever we need to.

Overall, I’m grateful for where I am right now and everything in my life. I feel so blessed to have an amazing husband, family, and group of close friends. I’m honestly excited for this birthday and all the celebrating I’m going to do!

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