
Monday Musings

Happy Monday! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and were able to rest up for the week ahead! Last week I shared 4 goals I had and I’m happy to say that I did all of them!! I luckily had a great book (The Light Between Oceans!) and we had one technology free night…

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Monday Musings

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and are ready for another week. We spent yesterday watching the Superbowl with some friends – I hope you had fun watching! (If you care about Football… 🙂 ) I wanted to continue my “Monday Musings” because doing these type of thought round-ups is fun to…

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Monday Musings

I liked writing my Monday post last week and I figured I would make it a weekly series! I love starting off the week on a positive note, and I want to feature things I find inspiring or fun. I hope you enjoy these posts and they start your week off right. The picture above was taken…

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