My Uppababy Vista review – all the honest pros & cons!

When I was pregnant I did a LOT of research on strollers.

I read tons of blog posts and visited a few stores to see things in person. After a ton of time and mental energy we picked the Uppababy Vista and LOVE it! We use it daily and love all the features. I did not think we would pick it because of the cost, but my husband and I loved it more than any of the other strollers we tried – and I’m so happy we got it.

After a few months of heavy use I wanted to share my *honest* review of the Uppababy Vista stroller - the pros, cons, and whether or not you should buy it! // Helen Loves

So today I wanted to write a post sharing exactly what I think about our Uppababy Vista stroller to help anyone out there looking at alllllll the options.


Easy to push & maneuver

This might be obvious but not all strollers are easy or comfortable to push. The Vista really glides and is so smooth! It’s super maneuverable and super sturdy. It was definitely the easiest and smoothest to push of all the strollers we tried at Buy Buy Baby (they have a million so that should say something!).

Massive basket

This is a HUGE deal – the basket underneath is huge and holds up to 40 pounds or something ridiculous! I use it as a shopping basket when I don’t want to put someone in the cart or the carts are too small (looking at you Trader Joe’s). We also liked that the basket stays when you add another seat – compared to the Nuna Demi Grow where you lose the basket when you add a second seat (seems kinda pointless to me…).

The handle extends

We’re taller than average so strollers with handles that don’t extend are out. Most typical strollers don’t extend and that meant we would have to reach low to push. It’s a minor detail but makes a *huge* difference if you’re tall!

Love all the options – carseat, bassinet, seat!

There are seemingly endless ways to configure the Vista. Right now I snap in our carseat, but when we’re at home we use the seat. The seat reclines almost to flat – perfect for young babies who don’t have neck control. We used the bassinet for nighttime sleep until someone got too long, and she absolutely loved it. Plus you can add another seat and a riding board for more than one kid. We didn’t want to spend this much money on a stroller that couldn’t grow with us, and this one really can!

Great quality

If you’re spending a small fortune on a stroller you want it to be quality. And the Vista really is – we love the leather handles and the fabric is super nice. We got it in navy so it would be gender neutral (and we love navy in general) and love the contrasting light leather trim.



The single biggest con is obviously the cost. With tax and one accessory you are easily close to $1000. It was more than all of our nursery furniture put together – thanks Ikea! This is NOT a small purchase and I get that some people will think this is ridiculous. Don’t worry, I’ve had people tell me that spending more than $100 on a stroller was just stupid. My perspective is to each their own!

I’ll say this – there is a MASSIVE difference between the $100 strollers and the Vista. But is there a big difference between a $600 stroller and the Vista? Probably not. Our second favorite was the City Select but we hated the handles (which was a deal breaker because it was uncomfortable for us).

Do you need to spend this much? No! But I believe you get what you pay for in almost everything. My parents have a Bugaboo they bought 12 years ago that looks brand new – and we used it a ton with nieces and nephews. But that big investment at the time has made it well worth it.


If you want a light stroller, this isn’t it. I don’t have any issues folding and lifting and it easily fits in the back of my Honda Civic. But if you want a lightweight stroller this isn’t it.

Expensive accessories

Since the stroller is expensive it makes sense that the add-ons are too…just the name of the game! But adding an extra seat or riding board will cost you.

Phew….lots of details! I hope this was helpful. For us, the cost has been worth it and we are using our stroller multiple times a day. We love it and she loves it too!

Let me know if you have any questions or would like to know anything else. I would highly recommend the Vista if you’re looking for a stroller, but be sure to try them in person to see what works for you. Happy stroller shopping!

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