A Day in The Life – February 2022

Y’all it has been a LONG time since I’ve done one of these posts. If you’ve been here a while you know I’ve shared them before – but not since I’ve had two kids!

The chaos of the holidays has passed and we are no longer flying somewhere every 3 to 4 weeks. It’s amazing to be back at home and in a normal routine. Our days are 75% the same – sometimes we add in errands or a fun activity like the park, Zoo, or Children’s Museum. But now that we have an awesome backyard we stick at home and honestly that’s the easiest for me because my kids are happiest when they NAP and have a SCHEDULE. Seriously!!! This is just what works for us 🙂

5-6: Baby brother wakes up, nurses and goes back to sleep. Nope he’s not “sleeping through the night” anymore – but I am ok with it. He is usually in bed by 645 in the evening so this is a win for me.

730: Sister wakes up, we play or cuddle in bed. She loves to read books (reading Little House on the Prairie series with her – we love it so much) or listen to the music on her Tonies box. My husband has recorded a bunch of messages on a “creative Tonie” and both kids *love* to listen to the stories when he is at work or traveling.

8-830: Brother wakes up, nurses, we head downstairs to start breakfast. We love freezer waffles (Target has great GF ones!), banana pancakes, yogurt, or oatmeal.

830-1030: Breakfast then we play! Sometimes we go outside, or we just hang in the family room or in the kids bedrooms upstairs. If we want to venture out we do it in the morning and I will just try and push back the baby’s first nap. Our fun activities include walking to the park, going to the Zoo or the Children’s Museum. Sometimes we have doctor appointments – as seen below!

1030: Baby nurses and goes down for his first nap.

11: Lunchtime! We stick to sandwiches, waffles, bagels, or dinner leftovers if I’m lucky.

12: Naptime for toddler – she does SO MUCH BETTER when she is in bed by 12. If it’s late sometimes she just gets overtired and sings in her crib the entire time (:

1230-1: Baby brother wakes up around this time and nurses. I usually get about 30 minutes to myself during this time and I’ll just chill. I’m trying to enjoy quiet time when I can and not just do chores every spare moment. I also try to do chores when the kids are awake because they need to play alone (working on that!) and I also want them to be aware that the house requires daily work to run. Things don’t happen magically!

1-3: We play, baby brother eats his lunch, and I try and get a few things done around the house. Sometimes I try to get in a quick workout while he is awake…He will usually play happily for 20 minutes! Win!

3: Sister is awake! Well sometimes she is awake before 3 but I leave her in her crib until 3. She enjoys the quiet time and tells me she is “just resting”. She has a snack a bit after she wakes up. She likes raisins or cheerios or sometimes we will have leftovers from lunch.

330-430/5: Baby brother nurses and takes another nap

530: Dinner for everyone! I make ONE dinner each day and then make sure it has items my kids will eat. Baby will eat anything we give him – he loves food! – so I just make sure I have at least one food my toddler will eat. That’s usually a bread or fruit item.

615: Bedtime routine starts. My goal is to have both kids in bed by 7 🙂 Baby bro gets a quick bath everyday to get his skin wet so his moisturizers and steroids work well. So he will take a quick bath and my daughter will play in my bedroom or help me bathe him. Then both kids get in their PJs (favorites for babies, favorites for toddler!) and we will cuddle in my bed. I nurse baby bro, then I put him down, then I come back and we hang for a few minutes then my daughter goes into her bed. They both sleep in Woolino sleep sacks and have sound machines going.

7-730: I clean up, do dishes, and vacuum. I try to remember to have the kids help me clean up (and my daughter usually will!) but sometimes I forget or we just don’t have time if people are exhausted and need to get to bed. My Dyson is a lifesaver for cleaning the kitchen and dining room and I’m newly *obsessed* with Branch Basics and the All Purpose spray.

Honestly – with two kids the days either FLY BY or drag on. I think having two kids has made me rely on our routines even more. We all know what to expect and that makes our days run smoothly! There is always something that needs to get done, from eating to sleeping to baths to chores, so it’s nice to have a schedule to rely on. I like knowing what comes next and I’m not the type of person who enjoys a different schedule everyday. That works for some families but it doesn’t work for us.

I hope you enjoyed this snapshot into our day to day life. Everyday is the same but different and I love spending time with my adorable kiddos!

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