I wrote a day in the life post ONE year ago! How things have changed – but stayed the same – but still, so different. Today I wanted to share an updated “day in the life” now that my kids are a year older 🙂
630ish: Kids wake up!
They like to play for a bit before we eat. I use this time to wash my face and change out of my PJs and into something like these joggers and this sweatshirt. I will also wash my face and brush my hair!

730 – 9: Breakfast and Playing
We love to eat oatmeal, freezer waffles and yogurt! My kids are big breakfast eaters so we typically spend a long time eating which is awesome. Oh and whatever fruit I have on hand!
Then we break out the toys – Tonies box, trains, books…you name it! I will clean up and get the kitchen and dining room back in order while they play. If my daughter is going to school I will make her lunch and get everything ready.

9 – 11: Do Something 🙂
This is the time of day we usually leave the house! We might walk to the park, hit the Zoo, Children’s Museum, or have a morning playdate. I also try to do our errands in the morning because everyone is much happier and easier to cart around. On the two days a week my daughter goes to school it’s just little brother and I which makes errands much easier. But I also love just going to the park with him!
11 – 12: Lunch
We love sandwiches, yogurt, and leftovers.
12 – 3: Naptime!
I usually get 90 minutes of overlapping nap which is amazing. My son will go down at 12 and then my daughter sometime from 12:30 to 1. Then I will do a quick workout, shower, or just get random things done around the house. It’s my midday union break!!!
3: Snack
We do lots of eating around here 🙂 Snack might be pretzels, cheese, yogurt, cheerios…basically whatever I can grab without doing too much “cooking”
3:30 – 5:30: Do Something AND Dinner Prep
This time of the day can be anything. Sometimes we will have an afternoon playdate or run a quick errand. But it’s a hard time of day to do much because dinner is coming and typically everyone is tired – even if we have had good naps.

5:30: Dinner
Time to eat – again! Dinner can be pancakes, chicken and veggies, burgers, or something with rice. I only make one meal so everything is allergy friendly – no wheat, dairy, nuts, eggs, sesame or quinoa. It is definitely limiting but I’m committed to all of us eating the same thing for my sanity AND so my son doesn’t feel left out. Frequently we will have cheese as an addition (like for pasta) or two sauces so he can have one and we have pesto, for example. Or we will “deconstruct” a burger and he just doesn’t have a bun or cheese. It sounds like a lot of work but it’s second nature now!
Lately we have been doing casual dinners with friends which I LOVE. When our husbands work (they all work together!) we get together and just hang while our kids play. We all bring dinner for our people so no one has to cook or clean. It’s the easiest way to spend time together without any pressure or work. See above for a dinner on the go for a little buddy when we aren’t at home 🙂
6:15 – 7: Clean Up and Bedtime!
We put away our toys (in this handy container) and get dishes into the dishwasher. Then we get ready for bed – bathtime, pjs, stories, cuddling, in bed! I have to resist the urge to rush bedtime because then it usually backfires and people don’t go to sleep well – so I try to enjoy the cuddles even though I am wanting that time alone…constant parental tension!
7 – 9: Clean and Relax
I don’t know about you but I MUST clean everything before relaxing or going to bed. I need to put my house back in order so I can have a fresh start in the morning. I actually love cleaning up my kitchen and getting everything back in order.
9: Bedtime
My goal is bedtime around 9/930. You never know what the night will bring so I try to get to bed early!
Then we wake up and do it alllll over again 🙂
Honestly – I go through phases of feeling like life is just cooking and cleaning all day over and over again. And it is that, but it has been “bothering” me less. I enjoy the chores that are part of my day because I’m creating a daily life for my kids.
The moments at home ARE our real life.
Not just the trips to the Zoo or dinners at restaurants. These everyday things are what make our family – so I’m trying to just lean into the work of now without letting it weigh me down. I am also working on doing more for myself this year (more here!) and that has helped me get a break and a few moments to myself.
Every once and a while I pinch myself because life feels so good lately. We are happy, healthy and so blessed with our friends, family, and jobs. We don’t take any moment for granted and I hope this post can encourage you – even if today is rough tomorrow can be better. The sun always rises and tomorrow is always a new day.